News & Blog

Do Some States Require Children to Financially Support their Aging Parents? (Filial responsibility)

Believe it or not, about thirty states have laws on the books that that impose a duty, usually (but not always) on adult children, for the support of their impoverished parents or other relatives. This is called Filial responsibility. Based on England’s Poor Law Act of 1601, the laws originally held that the father, grandfather, mother, grandmother and children of “every poor, old, blind, lame......
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Top 15 Lawsuits Involving Donald Trump

Current Republican Presidential challenger Donald Trump is no stranger to the inside of a courtroom. He has been a part of hundreds of lawsuits at every level of the court system, with 169 at the federal level alone (or close to 2.5 per year since his birth). He has been both a plaintiff and a defendant. He has sued and been sued for both business......
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Are Hidden Nanny Cams Actually Legal?

In Danbury, CT, one nanny was caught on hidden camera burning a child and tossing her to the ground. In Houston, TX, a hidden surveillance camera captured her abusing and repeatedly suffocating the baby she had been hired to care for. In Fontana, CA, a nanny was recorded shaking, pulling, and even covering the mouth of the one of the children in her care. In......
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Did You Know You Could Be Breaking Federal Law by Removing Bird Nests from Your Own House?

Believe it or not, people have faced federal charges for removing or even disturbing bird nests. In 2014, Oakland, California tree trimmer Ernesto Pulido was charged with a misdemeanor violation of the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act when he trimmed several nest-laden trees for the U.S. Postal Service. The trees had a large colony of egrets and black-crowned night herons, native birds protected by the......
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Fact or Fiction: In China Convicted Defendants Can Hire “Body Doubles” to Serve Their Sentences

Incredibly, this is true! originally broke the story of how the super rich in China get away with pretty much everything, including murder. According to Slate, a wealthy 20-year-old named Hu was drag racing his friends, when he struck and killed a pedestrian. Although Hu received a three-year prison sentence, allegations arose that the man appearing in court and serving the three-year sentence wasn’t......
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Law Student Alamea Deedee Bitran Wins $2500 Scholarship

We here at The Reeves Law Group are very pleased to announce the winner of our 2015 college scholarship award for $2500. The winner is third-year law student, and new bride, Alamea Deedee Bitran of Miami, FL. Alamea attends Florida International University School of Law and was informed of the award, during her wedding! Alamea is currently in the top 5% of her law school......
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Fact or Fiction: Not All “Life Sentences” Around the World Are Actually for Life

This is true! In most of Western Europe, for example, a “life sentence” actually means that after a minimum term of 12 to 25 years, the prisoner becomes eligible for parole. However, in most of Europe, prisoners who are considered to be dangerous can be sentenced to “indefinite detention” despite eligibility for parole. “Life Sentences” that Aren’t Really for Life In England and Wales, most......
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The Many Lawsuits of Donald Trump

Donald Trump has money and real hair and lawyers. So he’s sued a few defendants … like a beauty pageant contestant, journalists, his ex-wife, and the country of Scotland. His lawsuits are HUGE and AMAZING. Here’s a rundown of the BEST OF THE BEST from The Donald. In June of 2015, Donald Trump filed a $500 million lawsuit against Univision Communications after the company scrapped its planned......
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Why Vegas Can’t Clean Up Its Pornographic Sidewalks

VEGAS has it all: amazing shows, free-flowing booze, 24/7 gambling, nightclubs, the hottest pool parties, and insane buffets. Each year, over 41 million people visit Las Vegas and most of them encounter the infamous handbillers on the Strip. They’re called porn slappers aka handbillers aka card hawks … lines of people (usually men) in matching bright t-shirts persistently flipping and handing out almost-pornographic advertisements for escort services......
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The Aunt Who Sued Her Nephew Over A Hug

She’s been called the “aunt from hell,” “the Auntie Christ,” and worse all over social media. Jennifer Connell of New York City sued her nephew for $127,000, alleging the little boy did not behave reasonably when he leapt into her arms at his 8th birthday celebration in 2011, and causing her a broken wrist. Connell said the broken wrist had caused her longstanding problems. “I......
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