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Top Five Movies Based on White-Collar Crimes

The Wolf of Wall Street is making headlines for a number of reasons- from the number of swear words featured in the movie to the derogatory references to cerebral palsy. It has caught audience imagination, which is not so surprising because people like to watch movies that feature smart-looking criminals in sharp business suits. Hollywood is no stranger to movies that are based on white-collar......
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Cat Bites More Dangerous Than Dog Bites?

When it comes to animal bites, you’re much more likely to suffer from a dangerous infection after being bitten by a cat than by a dog. According to the results of a new study released recently by Mayo Clinic researchers, cat bites, even though they are much less common than dog bites, are much more likely to end in dangerous infections that can have serious......
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The Most Prestigious Awards a Lawyer Can Earn

Lawyers love to pat themselves on the back, congratulate each other for a job well done, and hand out as many awards to each other as possible. The reason for this is pretty obvious: as attorneys, our reputation is a major part of the business. The better reputation an attorney has, the more clients he or she will have. The attorney will also get to......
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10 Epic Law Firm Catch Phrases

Did you know that the word “slogan” has its origins in a similar sounding Scottish term for “battle cry”? Although law firm slogans and catchphrases may not be as cool as a Scottish war cry, below are some of the best, and worst law firm catch phrases we have come across. Generally speaking, catch phrases are supposed to set a firm apart from all of......
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What questions are commonly asked during personal injury depositions?

A deposition is a procedure that happens before a trial where one party asks questions to the other party in order to obtain information. Although depositions are not typically carried out inside the courtroom, the courts still play a role. Participants in a deposition may need to take an oath that they will state the truth before a judge, and if the deposition is compulsory,......
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5 Things Drivers Do To Kill Motorcyclists

Many studies show the high rate of accidents that kill motorcyclists across the United States. Despite all of this data, however, motorcycle accidents continue to occur at an alarmingly high rate. Even more frightening are the number of accidents that are caused by the negligence of other drivers. For example, according to the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly half of all......
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In The New Year, Pledge to Quit Doing These 5 Things While Driving

Last year we published a graphic describing the most common ways that the attention of drivers is removed from their primary task; safe driving. As we move into 2014, we want to urge drivers to pledge to quit becoming distracted while behind the wheel. We believe that if everyone would pledge to stop doing the following 5 things while driving, the roads would much safer for......
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5 of the Most Attractive Fictional Lawyers

Hollywood has always loved lawyers. For decades, many fictional lawyers have graced the silver screen. From Atticus Finch in the classic 1962 film To Kill A Mockingbird to Elle Woods in the blockbuster hit Legally Blonde, some of our favorite fictional characters are members of the bar. Other great legal films include 12 Angry Men, My Cousin Vinny, and Philadelphia. There have also been a......
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10 Really Strange Personal Injury Claims

At The Reeves Law Group, we advocate, through the justice system, for victims who have suffered as a result of the negligence of another individual or organization. The clients who we work with have genuine grievances, and deserve compensation from those whose negligence resulted in pain, suffering, and substantial financial loss. However, if there is one thing that we know to be true it’s that,......
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