News & Blog

Five Pieces of Motorcycle Safety Gear You Can’t Afford to Skip

Every year, approximately 4,000 people are killed in motorcycle accidents. Those numbers have not shifted much, in spite of significant drops in the number of people killed in auto accidents. The right kind of motorcycle safety gear is key to helping reduce your risk of injury or fatality in an accident. It’s not always easy to convince motorcyclists about the need to wear appropriate safety......
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What to Do After a Minor Car Accident?

Not all accidents that occur in the United States every year end in fatalities and injuries. Most of these accidents are minor car accidents like fender benders, where there may be some amount of property damage in the form of damage to your car or the other car in the accident, but no injuries are caused to the motorists. However, even if you have no......
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Prevent Backpack Injuries

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, every year, there are more than 7,500 backpack-related injuries reported across the United States.  These backpack injuries include everything from bruises and sprains, to back and shoulder fractures. Backpacks pose a major and serious back injury risk to children.  This is in spite of the fact that the American Academy of Pediatrics has set specific guidelines for the......
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Statistics on School Zone Accidents

According to statistics, as many as 100 schoolchildren are injured every year in accidents that occur inside school zones.  Clearly, these are some of the most dangerous areas for children, and many of these accidents are entirely preventable if motorists focus on looking out for children. Many accidents involving children inside school zones every year involve children who are getting into or out of the......
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What Percentage Do Lawyers Take for Personal Injury

Most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis.  That means that they recover their fees after they have managed to recover a settlement or verdict in favor of their client.  Usually, the contingency fee amounts to a certain percentage of the money that has been recovered. Contingency fee plans are very beneficial for persons who have suffered an injury, because you will have......
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The Most Famous Personal Injury Case

When it comes to high profile personal injury lawsuits and verdicts, nothing beats the McDonald’s hot coffee case of the 1990s.  This almost mythical case is often used by supporters of tort reform and restrictions on personal injury lawsuits, to allege that the personal injury justice system in this country is flawed and out of control. A closer look at this famous personal injury case......
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Workplace Accident Statistics

According to statistics by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2011, 4,600 American workers were killed in workplace accidents.  That works out to 3.5 fatalities for every 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in the United States.  It also works out to approximately 90 fatalities per week, or nearly 13 fatalities every day. Some of the most frequent worker fatalities in the United States occur in the......
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Drunk Driving Versus Distracted Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol continues to remain one of the major causes of accidents across the country annually. In fact, driving while intoxicated is the second biggest killer on our roads, killing more people on the roads every year than any other accident cause, except speeding. However, distracted driving has become a major concern for national highway safety agencies, and with good reason.......
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Safety Tips for Teenage Drivers

Teenagers may be at a much higher risk of being involved in accidents compared to other age groups.  That’s because teenagers have lesser driving experience, and may not have the kind of fine-tuned skills that are necessary to recognize and identify accident cues, and avoid collisions. However, that doesn’t mean that teenagers cannot drive safely at all.  Lack of experience and skills can be offset......
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Parents of Child Injured by Toy File Lawsuit

The parents of a 3-year-old child, who suffered severe burn injuries when his toy truck exploded into flames, injuring him seriously, have now filed a lawsuit against the company that manufactured the toy. The boy is now 3 years old.  The accident occurred on June 3 last year, when he was riding his battery-operated toy truck in his yard.  At the time, the boy was......
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